Faktor-Faktor Pendorong Kualitas Audit Inspektorat dalam Pengawasan Keuangan Daerah

(Studi Staf Inspektorat Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu)

  • Andi Agus STIEM Bongaya Makassar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Bengkulu
  • Nurna Aziza STIEM Bongaya Makassar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Bengkulu
  • Fitrien Mulyusnita STIEM Bongaya Makassar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Bengkulu
Keywords: Competency Factor, Independency Factor, Objectivity Factor, Quality of Audit


This research was aimed to examine competency factor, independency factor, and objectivity factor influance on the quality of audit of inspectorate in local finances supervision. The data in this study was collected through questioner filled by all staffs of Inspectorate of Lebong Regency, Province of Bengkulu that involved actively in audit/ supervision. The method analysis used was multiple linear regressions with IBM SPSS analysis program.

The research result shows that competency factor, independency factor, and objectivity factor that belong to the auditors of Inspectorat of Lebong Regency (Province of Bengkulu) were proven positively influence towards the quality of audit of Inspectorate of Lebong Regency in local finances supervision.

How to Cite
Agus, A., Aziza, N., & Mulyusnita, F. (2019). Faktor-Faktor Pendorong Kualitas Audit Inspektorat dalam Pengawasan Keuangan Daerah: (Studi Staf Inspektorat Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu). Jurnal Bingkai Ekonomi (JBE), 1(1), 73-89. Retrieved from https://itbsemarang.ac.id/sijies/index.php/jbe33/article/view/24