Jurnal Cakrawala Informasi 2025-01-02T10:44:06+08:00 Rezza Mahindra Suntoro [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Cakrawala Informasi (JCI)</strong> dengan ISSN: <strong>2830-6562</strong> (cetak), ISSN: <strong>2830-6252</strong> (online) merupakan jurnal <em>blind peer review</em> yang bertujuan untuk&nbsp;memberikan sumbangsih pengetahuan di berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan yang relevan dengan sistem atau teknologi informasi serta mendorong para akademisi, ilmuwan atau praktisi untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Publikasi<strong> Jurnal Cakrawala Informasi (JCI)</strong> bersifat <em>open access</em> yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara <em>online</em> tanpa harus berlangganan apapun.&nbsp;<strong>Jurnal Cakrawala Informasi (JCI)</strong>&nbsp;terbit 2 kali dalam setahun (<strong>Juni - Desember</strong>)</p> Widya Husada University website performance analysis using automated usability testing method with Google tools Pagespeed Insights and Gtmetrix 2024-12-21T17:34:40+08:00 Sandy Irawan [email protected] Cahyono Rahadiyanto [email protected] <p>Universitas Widya Husada Semarang adalah salah satu institusi pendidikan tinggi yang berkomitmen untuk menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas di bidang kesehatan. Terletak di kota Semarang, universitas ini menawarkan berbagai program studi yang didesain untuk mencetak tenaga profesional yang kompeten dan berintegritas. Website adalah kumpulan halaman web yang saling terhubung dan dapat diakses melalui internet menggunakan sebuah domain atau alamat web tertentu. Universitas Widya Husada memiliki website yang cukup aktif dalam memberikan informasi kepada calon mahasiswa yang ingin mendaftar maupun website untuk mahasiswa mengenai informasi seputar kampu, nilai akademik, jadwal perkuliahan dan lain sebagainya. Universitas Widya Husada Semarang sedang menghadapi permasalahan serius terkait performa website resminya. Masalah ini mencakup waktu loading yang lambat, seringnya terjadi downtime, dan respons server yang tidak konsisten. Keadaan ini berdampak negatif terhadap aksesibilitas informasi bagi mahasiswa, staf, dan calon mahasiswa. Untuk mengatasi masalah performa website Universitas Widya Husada Semarang, penggunaan tools seperti Google PageSpeed Insights dan GTmetrix dapat menjadi solusi efektif. Google PageSpeed Insights membantu menganalisis dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan performa berdasarkan dua aspek utama: kecepatan dan pengalaman pengguna. Hasil yang didapatkan dari Google PageSpeed Insight adalah sebesar 78% <em>Performance</em>, 78% <em>Accessibility</em>, 78% <em>Best</em> <em>Practices</em> dan 85% <em>SEO</em> dalam versi desktop sedangkan versi mobile adalah 66% <em>Performance</em>, 77% <em>Accessibility</em>, 79% <em>Best</em> <em>Practices</em> dan 85% <em>SEO. </em>&nbsp;Sedangkan GTMetrix hasil performa yang ditunjukkan adalah memiliki skor 78%. Jadi pada intinya baik Google Page Speed Insight dan GTMetrix memiliki nilai performa yang sama yaitu 78 atau 78%.</p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sandy Irawan Implementasi Penempatan Sentra Wisuta Kuliner Menggunakan Multidimensional Scaling : Studi Kasus di Kota Madya Surabaya 2025-01-02T10:44:06+08:00 Royyan Ghalib [email protected] Aeri Rachmad [email protected] Moch Kautsar Sophan [email protected] Moch Abdullah Nafis [email protected] <p>Optimal placement of culinary tourism centers is very important to increase the attractiveness of tourist destinations and support local economic growth. This study aims to implement the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method in determining the most appropriate location for culinary tourism centers in a city. The Multidimensional Scaling approach is used to map visitor and stakeholder perceptions of various location determinants, such as accessibility, supporting facilities, market potential, and environmental characteristics. Data collected from surveys and field observations are processed to identify dominant perception and preference patterns, and determine the ideal coordinates for the location of culinary centers. The results of mapping using multidimensional scaling are Group 1 consisting of SWK Babat Jerawat, SWK Balas Klumprik, SWK Bratang Binangun, SWK Dharmahusada, SWK Embong Sawo, SWK Indrapura, SWK Kapas Krampung, SWK Penjaringan Sari, SWK Rmi, SWK Tanah Merah and SWK Tandes. Group 2 consists of SWK Convention Hall, SWK Ketabang, SWK Klampis Ngasem, SWK Krembangan, SWK Sukomanggal, SWK Terminal Manukan, SWK Urip Sumoharjo, SWK Wiyung, and SWK Wonorejo. Group 3 consists of SWK Deles Mer, SWK Dharmawangsa, SWK Gayungan, SWK Gunung Anyar, SWK Kandangan, SWK Lidah Kulon, SWK Mulyorejo, SWK Sememi, and SWK Semolowaru. And finally Group 4 consists of SWK Bentul, SWK Dukung Menanggal, SWK Jajar Tunggal, SWK Karah, SWK Kembang Kuning, SWK Manukan Lor, SWK Pegirian, SWK Putro Agung, SWK Siwalan Kerto and SWK Taman Prestasi. Group 1 is very suitable as a tourist reference because it is close to hotels, tourist attractions and mosques, group 2 is suitable as a tourist center or new business because it is far from various strategic locations. Group 3 is suitable for local residents because it is close to housing and mosques. For group 4, it is suitable for people around who pass by the area around group 4.</p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Royyan Ghalib PENGUJIAN BLACK BOX PADA WEBSITE BUITENZORG OUTDOOR MENGGUNAKAN METODE USE CASE TESTING DAN BOUNDARY VALUE 2024-12-21T17:34:14+08:00 Jovita Nabilah Azizi [email protected] Ester Olivia Silalahi [email protected] Rafli Damara [email protected] Muhammad Farhan Fahrezy [email protected] Fikri Saputra [email protected] Aditya Wicaksono [email protected] Muhammad Nasir [email protected] <p><em>Software testing is a critical aspect of application development to ensure quality and functionality. This research focuses on black box testing of the Buitenzorg Outdoor website, a platform for renting outdoor equipment. Using the Use Case Testing and Boundary Value methods, this study aims to identify the reliability of functionalities based on user scenarios and input/output validation. The methodology involves use case analysis to define key testing scenarios and boundary value analysis for critical features. The results indicate that several website modules have defects in input validation, particularly in the booking and user registration forms. Based on the testing results, the system performed well with a success rate of 98.64%. This study contributes to improving web-based system testing processes through a systematic and replicable approach. The findings also highlight the importance of use case-based testing to mitigate functional risks in real-world usage environments.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jovita Nabilah Azizi, Ester Olivia Silalahi, Rafli Damara, Muhammad Farhan Fahrezy, Fikri Saputra, Aditya Wicaksono, Muhammad Nasir PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN KARYAWAN, PERSEPSI HARGA, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang Pelanggan JNE) 2024-12-21T14:35:23+08:00 Ari Dwi Astono [email protected] Haryani [email protected] <p>The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of employee service quality, price perception, and location on customer satisfaction (study of students at Muhammadiyah University, Semarang, JNE customers. The data collection method uses a questionnaire, the sampling technique is accidental sampling. A total of 100 respondents are JNE customers in the city of Semarang Based on testing, employee service quality variables have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. Price perception has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.</p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Dwi Astono, Haryani Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Facebook “Buletin Sikka” Sebagai Media Publikasi Kegiatan Pemerintahan (Studi Deskriptif Pada Bidang Protokol dan Komunikasi Pimpinan) 2024-12-21T17:33:49+08:00 T.B Inan Malywanni Woga [email protected] Intan Mustafa [email protected] Markus Kristian Retu [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to analyze the use of Facebook social media, especially the "Sikka Bulletin" page as a means of publishing government activities carried out by the Protocol and Communication Section of the Sikka Regency Leadership. In the digital era, social media has become an important means of disseminating information quickly and widely to the public. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach, as well as data collection techniques through participatory, non-participatory observation, and interviews with Facebook users and documentation. The research results show that the "Sikka Bulletin" is effective in conveying information related to government activities to the public. However, there are several aspects that need to be improved, such as optimizing posting times, increasing interaction with the public, and presenting more complete information. The improvements made can increase the effectiveness of publications and strengthen communication between the government and the community. Apart from that, a more effective promotional strategy is needed to expand the reach of the content. Overall, the Sikka Bulletin has great potential to become a more transparent and interactive publication media, so that it can strengthen relationships and encourage community participation in various government activities.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 T.B Inan Malywanni Woga THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE DIGITAL ERA: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS 2024-12-21T17:34:02+08:00 Ana Nurfadilah [email protected] Ilham [email protected] <p><em>This research discusses the challenges and solutions of implementing management information systems in the digital era. In the digital era, the development of information technology is rapidly advancing and has brought significant changes to various aspects of life, including the business world. Companies and organizations are now required to be more responsive, faster, and more efficient in their operations. One way to achieve that goal is through the implementation of a Management Information System. (SIM ). This research uses the literature review method by examining the implementation of SIM through previous studies and articles. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of SIM does not always go smoothly; there are challenges that must be faced, such as costs, the integration of old systems into new ones, and data security. Therefore, solutions are needed to address these challenges.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Nurfadilah Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Gedung Serbaguna Desa Meteseh Berbasis Web Guna Meningkatkan Aksesibilitas & Efisiensi Penyewaan untuk Masyarakat Desa 2024-12-21T14:35:27+08:00 Alfia Siska Nur Safitri [email protected] Marsiska Ariesta Putri [email protected] Kristiawan Nurdianto [email protected] Martinus Apun Heses [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to increase efficiency in the building reservation process and facilitate information accessibility for village communities. This research focuses on optimizing the rental of the Meteseh Village Multipurpose Building (GSG) through the development of a web-based information system. The existence of a Multipurpose Building is vital for local community activities, such as meetings, arts events, sports, traditional ceremonies and other activities. Using qualitative research methods, data was collected using observation techniques, interviews with the Head of Meteseh Village who is responsible for building management, and literature studies to provide a strong basis for system development In this designed system, the author uses the Waterfall method as a development and modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The system design stage involves creating system flow and database design. In this web design, the author uses HTML and CSS programming languages for the user interface, as well as Javascript and Firebase for database processing. The results of this research are in the form of a rental booking website for the Meteseh Village Multipurpose Building. Implementing this information system can help improve the building management process and make it easier for the public to access information and make building reservations.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alfia Siska Nur Safitri Javanese Script Image Classification with KNN Parameter Optimization Using GridSearchCV 2024-12-21T17:33:37+08:00 Aji Priyambodo [email protected] Martius Apun Heses [email protected] Kristiawan Nurdianto [email protected] <p><em>This study focuses on optimizing the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for Javanese script classification using the Cosine Similarity metric. Through a grid search in cross-validation, the optimal combination of hyperparameters, including the number of neighbors, weighting functions, and distance metrics, was identified. The results demonstrate that the Cosine Similarity metric with a distance weighting scheme achieved the best accuracy of 99.99%. Furthermore, evaluation based on precision, recall, and f1-score revealed highly stable performance across various classes, with most achieving perfect scores. Compared to previous methods, such as LBP, CNN, and DCNN, this approach shows a significant accuracy improvement. These findings indicate that optimizing KNN with the Cosine Similarity metric is highly reliable for developing classification models for complex patterns.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aji Priyambodo, Martius Apun Heses, Kristiawan Nurdianto INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT USING COBIT 5 FRAMEWORK AT SIAKAD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS (ITB) SEMARANG 2024-12-21T17:33:25+08:00 Anggun Putri Dwi Meilina [email protected] Aji Priyambodo [email protected] Andreas Tigor Oktaga [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to carry out an information system audit on the Academic Information System (SIAKAD) at the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) Semarang by utilizing the COBIT 5 Framework. An information system audit is a crucial step to assess the effectiveness, effciency and security of the informatiion system operated by organization. COBIT 5 as an internationally recognized Framework, provides a structured approach to ensuring the governance and management of information technology effective.his research uses an evaluation methodology for key processes in COBIT 5, such as risk management, IT service management, and IT resource management, which are relevant to the implementation of SIAKAD. Data was obtained through interviews, observation and review of internal documents. The audit results comply with several COBIT 5 standards, although there are several areas that still require improvement to increase system perfomance and security. It is hoped that this researcher can provide strategic recommendations for ITB Semarang to optimize academic information systems, as well as become a reference for other institutions that wish to implement COBIT 5 in information system audits.</em></p> 2024-12-21T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Tigor Oktaga