Penerapan Kinerja Karyawan dalam Mencapai Sasaran Mutu

(Studi pada Pegawai Non Medis Instalasi Sterilisasi di Rumah Sakit Dr. Kariadi Semarang)

  • Adi Setya Pamungkas Universitas Semarang
  • Sri Yuni Widowati Universitas Semarang
  • Aprih Santoso Universitas Semarang
Keywords: Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja, Disiplin Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan


This study was motivated by the decline in targets in the Sterilization Installation of the Hospital Dr. Kariadi Semarang, for that the problem can be formulated is how the Sterilization Installation Section improves employee performance so that the production target is reached. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of Leadership, Work Environment and Work Discipline on Employee Performance of the Sterilization Installation at DR. Kariadi Semarang.Data were collected through questionnaire methods using Census techniques for 61 respondents in the Sterilization Installation section. Data processing uses multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing through t test, model testing with f test, and analysis of the coefficient of determination.The results obtained in this study are the magnitude of the coefficient of determination  is  0.547  which  means  that  54.7%  of  the  variables  of  Leadership,  Work Environment and Work Discipline have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance

How to Cite
Pamungkas, A. S., Widowati, S. Y., & Santoso, A. (2019). Penerapan Kinerja Karyawan dalam Mencapai Sasaran Mutu: (Studi pada Pegawai Non Medis Instalasi Sterilisasi di Rumah Sakit Dr. Kariadi Semarang). Jurnal Bingkai Ekonomi (JBE), 4(2), 12-20. Retrieved from